Progress Report

As part of the Distributed REsearch Apprenticeships for Master's program, each student and their advisor is expected to submit a Progress Report on the student's research experience. The reports are to be submitted about midway through the research experience, and the submissions will trigger the student's third stipend payment.

Both the advisor and the student reports must be emailed to Kathleen Kelly at

Progress reports submitted by the student must include:
  • A brief description of your project:
  • How many hours/weeks have you worked so far, and how many hours/weeks do you have left?
  • What is the status of your project? (include what you have accomplished so far and what you expect to accomplish in the rest of your time with DREAM)
  • What has been your biggest challenge so far? What is the most exciting thing that has happened so far?

  • What is your working environment? For example, how frequently do you meet your advisor, the grad students in your group, others in the department, etc? Are you working on your project alone, with any undergrads, or with any other graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D)? Have you attended any research talks?
  • Is there anything else that you would like us to know about your experience? Is there anything you would like to tell your advisor (these comments, if any, will be forwarded to your advisor)?

Progress reports submitted by the advisor must include:
  • Please describe the student's project:
  • What is the student's progress to date, and what do you expect the student to accomplish by the end of the DREAM program?
  • Please say a few words about the student's working environment. For example, how frequently does the student meet with you, with your grad students, others in the department, etc? Is the student working on their own, with any undergrads, or with other graduate students (M.S. or Ph.D)? Etc.

  • Is there anything else you would like us to know (for example, things that are not working well, suggestions for improvement, methods you found useful to welcome the student into your research group, something interesting or exciting about the student)
  • Is there anything you would like to tell the student (these comments, if any, will be forwarded to the student)?